Kosher hot dog stand at Wrigley Field

  • March 21, 1837 – The City of Chicago was founded.
  • October 8, 1871 -The day the Chicago fire was started.
  • April 23, 1914 – The day Wrigley Field opened.
  • November 4, 2016 – The Chicago Cubs win the World Series for the first time in 108 years.
  • July 21, 2017 – The day Certified Kosher food arrived at Wrigley field.

Few things can impact the day people remember so vividly in their lives — like when something epic happens.  Last Friday, Certified Kosher food finally came to Wrigley Field in the form of a Glatt Kosher hot dog stand. Adults raved and kids were excited and yes, some may have even shed a tear or two when they stepped up to the plate to order their kosher food.

There is a lot of excitement about this new venture for both the Cubs and their fans to get certified kosher food in the ball park. From Jews to Muslims (who keep strict Halal), to the health conscience, there is a new kind of dog on the block. With their tasty Romanian hot dogs and spicy Polish sausages, Danzigers will surely have people lining up to get their fill of kosher hot dogs at Wrigley.

Danziger’s kosher hot dog stand is located on the first base side, on top of section 235, in between the last two ramps leading up to the upper deck where the 400-500 sections are located. We are assuming it will be open only 6 days a week and closed for Shabbos with possibly further closings for Jewish holidays. That may change, however, so be sure to check ahead before walking into the stadium.

While still in its infancy, the simple menu consists of a Regular Romanian hot dog or a spicy Polish Sausage – which are reasonably priced compared with other inflated pricing while in the ball park. Looking to pile on a mountain of condiments and build your very own authentic Chicago hot dog? You can get grilled onions for no extra charge or decide to top it off with some mustard and relish packets. There have been some sightings of hot dog sauce (read Ketchup) but we will chuck it up to management’s oversight.

Looking for a quick snack? Be sure to grab a kosher certified pretzel here as it is the only location in the park that is certified kosher – – all other locations are not certified!

The entire kosher community is excited to hear this awesome news. But there is word that Danzigers already has competition as Milt’s food truck will be starting to serve up their famous Arietta pulled rib sandwich, but that will have to wait for another week before we can sample it. Stay tuned for more in a follow up post!

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